- 全名為Financial Risk Manager (FRM)
- 主辦單位: 全球風險管理協會(www.garp.org)
- 全球關於金融風險管理的考試不只一種,但以GARP舉辦之FRM最多人選擇報考
- 1997開始舉辦起,全球已經有超過150,000人次報名該考試,目前全球有30,000位FRM持有者
- 適合報考人士: 適合報考人士: 銀行及金融機構從事前台(交易)、中台(風險管理)或後台(交割及會計);基金管理、徵授信、風險管理、稽核、財務工程、軟體、諮詢、上市櫃公司投資部等人士及相關科系研究生
- 自從2008年銀行股股價暴跌後,銀行風險管理議題受到各銀行及主管機關高度重視。
- 2000-2001年網路泡沫化,2007-2008年發生次貸風暴及金融海嘯,2010-2012年歐債危機,在在突顯金融風險管理的重要性刻不容緩。
- 台灣的金融界及證券主管機關重視FRM證照
- 職場立於不敗之地:
* FRM證照已成為銀行風險管理部門的金字招牌。第一金控及台銀金控等將FRM證照視為晉身利器
* 一張證照,同一天考試,同一標準,國際通用,在大陸也很吃香。
* 風險管理的觀念在金融界很重要,一個有風險管理的知識的人,會比沒有風險管理知識的業界人士,長期而言更容易成功!
◆2017年上半年FRM P1、P2過關率分別為42%及54% |
- 分成Part 1(P1)及Part 2(P2)考試
- P1考試有100題選擇權,P2考試有80題選擇權。P1考試時間為早上8:00-12:00,P2考試時間為下午2:00-6:00
- 過關標準為全球考生中最top 5%得分之七成左右
- 可同時報考P1+P2,如果P1通過但P2沒過,仍保留P1成績,但如果P1沒過但P2過,則P2不計; 如果P1和P2都過,則恭禧你!
- P1考過的資格,可保留四年
- 通過P1者,可以在履歷表上表達:
- “FRM Program – Passed Part I“
- 愈早準備,過關率愈高,學到的知識才完整。
- 準備時間每關最少要400小時左右,兩個Parts加總1,000小時不嫌多
報名階段 |
註冊費 |
P1考試費 |
P2考試費 |
最優惠階段(2017/12/1-2018/1/31) |
USD400 |
USD350 |
USD350 |
一般階段(2018/2/1-2/28) |
USD400 |
USD475 |
USD475 |
最貴階段(3/1-4/15) |
USD400 |
USD650 |
USD650 |
- 通過P1及P2考試
- 需「相關」工作經驗滿二年,才可以在網站上(Resume builder)向GARP提出您的工作經驗
- 要在通過P2考試五年內提出工作經驗的申請
p.s. 如果考過P2,但工作條件未滿2年,可以在履歷表中表達: FRM Program – Passed Parts I & II或自稱為FRM Holder (vs. Certified FRM Holder)
◆2018年FRM P1考試主題及綱要 |
科目 |
考試比重 |
考試題數 |
Foundations of Risk Management |
20% |
20 |
Quantitative Analysis |
20 |
20 |
Financial Markets and Products |
30 |
30 |
Valuation and Risk Models |
30 |
30 |
合計 |
100% |
100 |
◆Foundations of Risk Management
- Basic risk types, measurement and management tools
- Creating value with risk management
- The role of risk management in corporate governance
- Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
- Financial disasters and risk management failures
- The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
- Risk-adjusted performance measurement
- Multifactor models
- Data aggregation and risk reporting
- Ethics and the GARP Code of Conduct
◆Quantitative Analysis
- Discrete and continuous probability distributions
- Estimating the parameters of distributions
- Population and sample statistics
- Bayesian analysis
- Statistical inference and hypothesis testing
- Estimating correlation and volatility using EWMA and GARCH models
- Volatility term structures
- Correlations and copulas
- Linear regression with single and multiple regressors
- Time series analysis and forecasting
- Simulation methods
◆Financial Markets & Products
- Structures and functions of financial institutions
- Structure and mechanics of OTC and exchange markets
- Structure, mechanics, and valuation of forwards, futures, swaps, and options
- Hedging with derivatives
- Interest rates and measures of interest rate sensitivity
- Foreign exchange risk
- Corporate bonds
- Mortgage-backed securities
◆Valuation & Risk Models
- Value-at-Risk (VaR)
- Expected shortfall (ES)
- Stress testing and scenario analysis
- Option valuation
- Fixed income valuation
- Hedging
- Country and sovereign risk models and management
- External and internal credit ratings
- Expected and unexpected losses
- Operational risk
◆2018年FRM P2考試主題及綱要
科目 |
比重 |
考試題數 |
Market Risk Measurement and Management |
25 |
20 |
Credit Risk Measurement and Management |
25 |
20 |
Operational and Integrated Risk Management |
25 |
20 |
Risk Management and Investment Management |
15 |
12 |
Current Issues in Financial Markets |
10 |
8 |
合計 |
100% |
80 |
◆Market Risk Measurement & Management
- VaR and other risk measures
Parametric and non-parametric methods of estimation
VaR mapping
Backtesting VaR
Expected shortfall (ES) and other coherent risk measures
- Modeling dependence: correlations and copulas
- Term structure models of interest rates
- Volatility: smiles and term structures
◆Credit Risk Measurement & Management
- Credit analysis
- Default risk: Quantitative methodologies
- Expected and unexpected loss
- Credit VaR
- Counterparty risk
- Credit derivatives
- Structured finance and securitization
◆Operational & Integrated Risk Management
- Principles for sound operational risk management
- Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and enterprise-wide risk governance
- IT infrastructure and data quality
- Internal and external operational loss data
- Methods of determining operational risk capital for regulatory purposes
- Model risk and model validation
- Extreme value theory (EVT)
- Risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC)
- Economic capital frameworks and capital planning
- Liquidity risk measurement and management
- Failure mechanics of dealer banks
- Stress testing banks
- Third-party outsourcing risk
- Risks related to money laundering and financing of terrorism
- Regulation and the Basel Accords
◆Risk Management & Investment Management
- Factor theory
- Portfolio construction
- Portfolio risk measures
- Risk budgeting
- Risk monitoring and performance measurement
- Portfolio-based performance analysis
- Hedge funds
◆Current Issues in Financial Markets
- Credit loss provisioning, IFRS 9/CECL
- Machine learning and “big data”
- Central clearing and risk transformation
- The failure of covered interest rate parity
- FinTech credit
- Corporate culture
- 2018年P1/P2考試的Study Guide可在金證照網站查詢
- Study Guide中列出教科書(Core Readings Course Packs)及其章節。教科書可分章在GARP網站上購買或整包購買,價格為P1:USD3000(實體書,運費另加); P2: USD300(實體書,運費另加)。您也可以選購電子版教科書,P1:USD250; P2: USD250。
- FRM考試書籍官方網站相關資訊網址:https://www.garp.org/#!/frm/study-materials
- 註冊考生可以在線上(Digital Library)免費下載歷屆考題(Practice Exam)參照,考古題出現機率約1成
- 參加本公司為您設計的2018年FRM的全修解題課程,是最有系統性及最保險的方式,也會讓你過關率增加一倍以上
- 不管用何種方式,P1或P2的考題靈活,一定要即早進場,才能即早得到證照
- 準備時間要足夠,建議至少400小時以上
- 題目很活,所以千萬不要只讀Handbook,那樣子不會過。即使只看參考書,過關機率也不高
- 有時間應該閱讀GARP針對FRM考試指定的教科書,或至少吸收教科書的精華
- 金證照FRM課程中,講師會將教科書的重點整理在講義中,非常有效
- 讀書時間不夠者,先考P1,再考P2,不用一天想全拿
https://www.garp.org/#!/frm/frequently-asked-questions |
2018年 FRM Part 1 課程 1/6開課 http://www.gocharter.com.tw/frm/frm_p1_012.htm
2018年 FRM P2課程 2/4開課 http://www.gocharter.com.tw/frm/frm_p2_022.htm
◆2018年 FRM P1及P2課程比較簡表
金證照P1課程 |
金證照P2課程 |
總時數 |
78小時 |
60.5小時 |
開課時間 |
2018年1月6日 |
2018年2月4日 |
上課期日 |
周六上課 |
周日上課 |
堅強師資 |
張栩、Alex、揚帆、齊菲等 |
張栩、麥倫、揚帆、齊菲等 |
上課講義 |
各講師自編獨家講義,配合上課效果佳 |
價格 |
$26,000 |
$25,000 |